Skin Painter

An in-development Minecraft Skin editor created using Qt and C++. Skin Painter is an open-source and free-to-use software that is easy to use, flexible, and allows all the features of similar paid software.

Below is the concept for the App design, and a quick demo of the current buildable version of the app. As an artist and a Minecraft player I found the lack of easy to use, polished, and ad free options for Minecraft Skin editors, Skin Painter is my attempt at creating a solution to that problem.

My Home

In My Home, you are an alien colonist who decided that this little blue planet was the prefect place to settle. Regardless of what the local human population has to say about it.

My Home, is an 3D tower Defense game made using the Unreal 5 engine, made for my Game Dev 1 class. I was the lead artist and created all the 3D models, animations, and textures except the grass and the ground texture. I also made the concept art and a Post-processing script to create the cell shaded look the game has.

Above are a sample of the in game animations and models from Blender, including models and features that were not implemented into the game due to dropped enemies or features. All of the models and animations were designed to be seen from a top down perspective, ,which is not seen in all of the model samples.

Desk Orchid

An interactive virtual desktop companion created in the Godot game engine and written using GDScript. Features include walking across your screen, reacting to certain games you are playing on your screen, and making squeaking noises. Below is a demo and a selection of the animations I created for this project.

Mecha BigFoot Returns

In a cyber-filled world, Bigfoot felt abandoned by human society. Thinking without consequence, BigFoot turned himself into a robotic version of himself not realizing that the humans he once sought the attention of would capture and contain him. Follow the journey of BigFoot rebuilding himself and escaping after the human containment facility was abandoned.

Mecha BigFoot Returns, is a Unity based game made for my Game Dev 1 class. I worked along side three other students to create this game.

I created all the 3D models, 3D animations, and textures, except the desk computer. Below is one untextured renderings of the animations and some concept art. At the bottom is a selection of the in game models.

Emotional World

Emotional World is a platformer adventure game set in a world after a series of unknown and unnamed events, where people’s emotions control their appearances morphing them into their true feelings. You play as a nameless human protagonist, awakened in this strange new world with the ability to dash and jump. Along the way, you meet a few diverse nonhuman friends and help a sad-looking fellow as you platform through an unknown cave dodging danger left and right.

Created in Unity Engine, I was the producer, character designer, 2D animator, writer and backup programmer. Most of my responsibly was to manage the team, produce the 2D animations, and integrate the animations into the engine.

Below are a sample of the character animations and concept art I produced

:About Me :

 I am studying at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to earn a BA With a Degree in Computer Science and Games, Art, and Simulation planning to work Game Industry being able to flexibly switch between art, and programing roles in projects.

 I wish to create video games that blend the concepts of entertainment, the arts, interactivity, and narrative allowing the player to actively step into environments born from our imaginations.